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Happy Maya Women's Day

'B'atz' is the energy that initiates the weaving of reality. It is on a Wajxaqib’ (8) B’atz day that the count of time in the Cholq’ij calendar begins; on this day, material reality is created, the energies of the physical plane are manifested, and the magic of the masculine emerges. One of the main pillars of Maya teachings is that of finding our center, to live a life of harmony and balance. This concept is present in practices and rituals, in personal development work and in all aspects of spirituality. The calendar and the start of a new energetic cycle in the count of days is no exception.

After receiving the new year on Wajxaqib’ B’atz’, which is perceived as a birth of the physical manifestation of this reality, we go through a forty- day period of tranquility and integration as a mother does after the birth of her child. Now we have traversed these forty days to arrive at B'elejeb' (9) B'atz', which is also a date of great relevance within the time count of our Sacred Calendar, Now that we have completed these forty days, we arrive at B’elejeb’ (9) B’atz’, which is also a date of great relevance within the count of time of our Sacred Calendar, for it is at this moment that the most subtle energies are manifested, the magic of the feminine and the power that grants us the sensitivity to achieve the spiritual purposes we have chosen to fulfill in this physical and material plane arises. Now, a balance and unity of both energies occur.

During this important day, let us connect with the energy of B'elejeb' B'atz', let us become aware of its strength and power. If we wish to increase the effects of its energy, we can tap into its powerful force through a candle, a sacred fire, in prayer or meditation.

In addition to welcoming the harmonious completeness of our reality that emerges under the auspices of B'elejeb' B'atz', today we are also celebrating the power of the Sacred Feminine, as this day is recognized as the Mayan Women's Day. This is a day to honor women and to give thanks for those women who, through their path, are bringing their power to the world; let us give thanks for the midwives, the Ajq’ijab’, the healers, the artists and creators, and each of those women who have connected with their gifts and their mission. On this day, let us celebrate the power that resides in that Sacred Feminine that is part of each one of us.

*Art piece by Yamanik Pablo | Text by Denise Barrios

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