We have spoken about the importance of contemplating both sunrise and sunset, the Sun's journey as it moves between the Zenith and the Nadir, and every step along this path—from solstices to equinoxes. This entire solar journey invites us to connect with the cycles that unfold before us. These significant moments of the Sun deepen our understanding of existence. The ancestors, with their great wisdom, tracked the Sun’s path throughout the day, seeking guidance for the next cycle in its light. Although we may not give the same significance to these moments nowadays, their influence remains in our lives, reminding us that we are always in tune with the rhythm of the universe.
Today, we celebrate the autumn equinox, a cosmic time when day and night balance their forces. The duration of light and darkness is equal—a physical phenomenon that also symbolizes balance in nature and on a spiritual level. This moment of equilibrium invites us to align the forces accompanying us on this magical journey, without confrontation. Let us embrace this instant of balance to achieve our own inner harmony.
The equinox opens a threshold, which is why it is so meaningful to contemplate it. We can light a red and a white candle to illuminate the portals to deeper dimensions. Let us take a moment to concentrate, whether with our eyes open or closed, and allow our intentions to flow without limits. As we observe the Sun’s path throughout the day, let us open ourselves to the messages it brings for the cycle that unfolds until the Nadir.
~Denise Barrios
Based on the texts by Elder Carlos Barrios